Psychic VR Lab: Creating Realities With VR

Imagine stepping into your favorite movie, walking through fantastical landscapes, or attending a concert halfway across the world—all from your living room. Psychic VR Lab, a visionary startup from Japan, is turning this futuristic scenario into today’s reality with Extended Reality or XR. Their flagship product, the STYLY platform, is changing how XR technology is being used.


Lessons From Jamix

Adapt to Global Markets

The Lesson: Expanding globally requires adaptation to meet diverse customer needs and regulatory environments. Global reach can dramatically increase a company’s growth potential and diversify its revenue streams.

Implementation: Customize your offerings to align with the cultural and regulatory requirements of each new market.

How Psychic VR Lab Implements It: They tailor their XR solutions to be culturally relevant across different global markets.

Ensure Scalability

The Lesson: Design your business model and technology to easily scale up without losing efficiency. Scalability ensures that growing demand can be met efficiently, which is crucial for expanding operations and maintaining quality.

Implementation: Opt for modular designs and cloud-based solutions that can grow with your business.

How Psychic VR Lab Implements It: STYLY’s platform is built on a scalable cloud infrastructure that supports growth in user numbers and data volume.

Harnessing Emerging Technologies

The Lesson: Embracing and pioneering in emerging technologies like XR can position a startup at the forefront of innovation, attracting attention from investors and collaborators.

Implementation: Focus on a technology that is nascent but has wide applicability and potential for growth. Stay updated with the latest advancements and think of unique applications.

How Psychic VR Lab Implements It: Psychic VR Lab capitalized on the nascent XR market by developing the STYLY platform, which allows users to create and experience XR content easily, thus pioneering accessible XR applications.

Creating Versatile User-Friendly Platforms

The Lesson: Developing platforms that cater to the creative instincts of users without requiring them to master complex tools can significantly broaden your user base.

Implementation: Build platforms that are intuitive and easy to use, lowering the entry barrier for new users. Focus on drag-and-drop interfaces or simple menus that do not require coding knowledge.

How Psychic VR Lab Implements It: STYLY is designed to be accessible to non-programmers, enabling artists and designers to bring their creations into XR environments without prior coding experience.

Fostering Community and Feedback

The Lesson: Building a strong community around your product can lead to valuable insights and foster innovation through direct user feedback.

Implementation: Create forums, workshops, and beta-testing environments where users can contribute ideas, test new features, and provide feedback.
How Psychic VR Lab Implements It: The company actively encourages community participation through virtual exhibitions and competitions on the STYLY platform, where users can showcase their work and provide feedback on the platform’s usability and features.

Questions To Ponder

  • How might extended reality (XR) evolve in the next five years?

  • In what ways could XR become more integrated into our daily activities?

  • What untapped markets exist for XR technologies? How might an entrepreneur identify and capitalize on these opportunities?

Creative Head – Mrs. Shemi K Kandoth

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